Student Journals
Francis Marion University
This weekend has been unfortunately unfruitful with empty traps on Saturday morning but thankfully we caught to juvenile male white footed mice on Sunday morning. Sunday morning as we are recording the measurements from the last mouse I look over…
On Friday at Southern 8ths, we put out 40 mammal traps to survey the area behind Brad’s home. Last weekend, we got lucky and caught 8 mice! I had the opportunity to use binoculars and I got to see…
Friday after we arrived, we set out our small mammal traps up near the tire dump. We found a fallen shed in the middle of the woods, a deciduous forest with some Virginia pine, oaks, and other hard woods…
This weekend at Southern 8ths was one of our lesser productive weekends because we only were able to catch one mouse the entire weekend. The mouse we caught was on Saturday night and it was most likely a white-footed mouse…
We arrived to Carolina Wildlands on Friday afternoon and set up all of our small mammal traps. We spent the rest of the evening doing school work. On Saturday morning we checked our traps, but…